The Dreaded “D” word: Or How the Internet is Not to Blame for my Unfinished Novel


I’m not writing as much as I would like to, and I feel like I’ve betrayed a talent that cries out to be developed; in other words, I feel guilty.  I was once in the habit of ‘morning pages’ and afternoon edit sessions, even found time to market a couple of short-stories and a poem or two . Now my time is taken up with photography.

Nothing wrong with that. (The photo featured in this post is Collapsing Dune, a 1st prize winner in the 2012 PEI Photo Club Show – PEI National Parks category, and “Best in Show”.)

A friend tells me that I’m just having a fling, and, she adds, “with every fling comes guilt.” She says that after a while, I’ll tire of ‘the new love’ and things will get back to normal. I’m afraid they won’t, because I’m afraid that the Internet has made me lose my groove.  Seriously, it no longer functions as it once did.

When I write (when I used to write), I get into a ‘zone’ or a ‘groove’ of prolonged concentration where time disappears. Some writers call it the cold coffee syndrome. I put my morning pen to the page or my waking fingers to the keyboard, and the next thing I know, four hours have passed.  Unconsciously I’ve traded those hours of writing focus for minutes of photographic indulgence—minutes to set up a shot—minutes to enhance the digital image with software. And I want to say that the Internet is to blame.

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